Can’t save images to the external storage on Samsung Galaxy S4 or Note3

Problem: You have a Samsung Galaxy S4, S5 or Note3 with the newest Android 4.4.2 KitKat. When you try to save a watermarked image the following error is occurred: “X images were not processed due to errors…



This is a known issue and it seems to be unique to the Android 4.4.2 KitKat update for the Galaxy S4 and Note 3 only. The new specifications in the Android API pretty much makes your microSD card useless. The third party apps will not be allowed to use it. More about here:

So, for example, you want to watermark some pictures taken with the standard camera app, stored on the microSD card. By default in Add Watermark the target folder is set to “Default folder”. This is the folder where the source images are stored. And this causes the problem. As applications are no longer able to create, modify, or remove files and folders on the external SD card due to new Android security policies.


You need to use the internal storage for saving images in Add Watermark. Please set the target folder in the save dialog to “Custom folder” and choose a place, for example “/storage/emulated/0/addwatermark”.